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Vous trouverez ci-dessous un large éventail d' articles universitaires , d'articles de presse , d' entrevues et d' autres ressources pour en savoir plus sur ce qui est arrivé aux femmes au Canada. Retrouvez également les rapports et manuels des Nations Unies sur les droits des femmes.

Articles académiques
15 janvier 2021
par le Dr Emma Hilton, le Dr Pamela Thompson et le Dr Dave Curtis ( Irish Journal of Medical Science )
8 novembre 2019
"Le sexe, pas le genre. Un plaidoyer pour l'exactitude"
par Christina Richie ( médecine expérimentale et moléculaire )
Juillet 2019
par le Dr Kath Murray et Lacey Hunter Blackburn ( Affaires écossaises )
par Tina Minkowitz ( Institutt pour offentlig rett )
Health, Sport & Science
February 2023
"Breaking the silence: Female athletes speak about safe and fair sport in Canada"
by Dr. Linda Blade (Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
"System failure: Healthcare inequities continue to leave women’s heart and brain health behind"
Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation
February 22, 2023
"Harris Poll study from BD reveals knowledge gap and inequity in HPV screening and cervical cancer"
by Karleen D. Gribble, Susan Bewley, Melissa C. Bartick, Roger Mathisen, Shawn Walker, Jenny Gamble, Nils J. Bergman, Arun Gupta, Jennifer J. Hocking, Hannah G. Dahlen (Frontiers in Women's Global Health)
December 2021
"Fair Game: Biology, fairness and transgender athletes in women's sports"
by Dr. Jon Pike, Dr. Emma Hilton, Dr. Leslie A. Howe (Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
January 15, 2021
by Dr. Emma Hilton, Dr. Pamela Thompson, and Dr. Dave Curtis (Irish Journal of Medical Science)
World Rugby Performance Summary
World Rugby
World Rugby Guidelines on Transgender Inclusion in Sports
World Rugby
November 8, 2019
"Sex, not gender. A plea for accuracy"
by Christina Richie (Experimental & Molecular Medicine)
“Sex as an important biological variable in biomedical research”
by Suk Kyeong Lee (BMB Report).
Heart and Stroke Foundation
Violence Against Women & Femicide
May 22, 2023
by Reem Alsalem (Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls for the UN)
March 30, 2023
"Gender-equal cabinets have done little so far for women and girls living with male violence"
by Myrna Dawson (Policy Options)
March 29, 2023
"#CallItFemicide: Understanding sex/gender-related killings of women and girls in Canada, 2018-2022"
by Myrna Dawson et al. (Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability)
November 29, 2022
Statement of the Special Rapporteur on Violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences on Scottish Gender Recognition Reform Bill
by Reem Alsalem (Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women and Girls for the UN)
"Violence Against Women in Covid-19 and Canada"
by Luna K C (Canadian Research Institute for the Institute of Women)
"#CallItFemicide: Understanding sex/gender-related killings of women and girls in Canada, 2020"
by Myrna Dawson et al. (Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability)
July 2019
by Dr. Kath Murray and Lacey Hunter Blackburn (Scottish Affairs)
Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls
June 2019
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
June 2019
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
January 29, 2021
“Missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls: Understanding the numbers”
Amnesty International
“Violent Victimization of Aboriginal Women in the Canadian Provinces, 2009”
by Brennan, S. Statistics Canada, Catalogue no. 85-002-X.
February 2023
"Rights and Wrongs: How gender self-identification policy places women at risk in prisons"
by Jo Pheonix (The Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
February 2023
"Reflections on the impact of gender self-identification policies in Canadian prisons"
By April Kitzul (The Macdonald-Laurier Institute)
"Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders" (entire report)
by Shanna Farrell MacDonald et al (Correctional Services Canada)
"Examination of Gender Diverse Offenders" (one page summary)
Correctional Services Canada
June 2021
by Heather Mason (to the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security)
"Rising Incarceration Rates of Racialized Women"
by Senator Kim Pate (Policy 4 Women)
April 1990
"Creating Choices Report: The Report of the Task Force on Federally Sentenced Women"
Correctional Services Canada and Elizabeth Fry Society
“United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners”
United Nations
Women's Rights, Language & Socio-Economics
by SPT, SLT - anonymous (Our Right To Speak)
by Karleen D. Gribble, Susan Bewley, Melissa C. Bartick, Roger Mathisen, Shawn Walker, Jenny Gamble, Nils J. Bergman, Arun Gupta, Jennifer J. Hocking, Hannah G. Dahlen (Frontiers in Women's Global Health)
"Racialized Women & COVID-19 Challenges in Canada"
by Luna K C (Canadian Research Institute for the Institute of Women)
"Women, Covid-19, and the Care Economy"
by Luna K C (Canadian Research Institute for the Institute of Women)
"Women and Covid-19: Overview"
by Luna K C (Canadian Research Institute for the Institute of Women)
July 2019
by Dr. Kath Murray and Lacey Hunter Blackburn (Scottish Affairs)
"Female Autonomy vs Gender Identity A critical analysis of gender identity in CEDAW jurisprudence and the Yogyakarta Principles"
by Tina Minkowitz (Institutt for offentlig rett)
September 1970
"Report of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women"
Royal Commission on the Status of Women for the Government of Canada